Hotel Napoleon

4-스타 호텔 인 Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, 105 5, Rome, Italy

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바탕으로 6818 투표

호텔 나폴레옹
지하철, 게이 현장 및 사우나와 가깝습니다.

호텔 설명

The Hotel Napoleon is a charming, elegant and very quiet 4-star hotel in the heart of Rome. Free WiFi in the whole hotel, two Internet points and one big screen with Sky Tv. In the bar and restaurant of the hotel you will taste genuine products in a friendly atmosphere. One characteristic of the hotel is the quietness of its lounges and rooms. It was built inside a big nineteenth-century palace and its windows are facing internal, large and sunny courtyards. The hotel is located in central Rome, in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, in a strategic position close to Termini Central Station. Rooms are full equipped with modern technologies and at the same time give a warm “old fashioned” feeling, thanks to the elegant and soft fabrics and antique style furnishings.

서비스 및 시설


장애인 친화적인 욕실

Wi-Fi 인터넷

인터넷 액세스

휠체어 이용 가능


요청 시 추가 침대 제공


24시간 리셉션

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