El Ganzo Hotel

3-스타 호텔 인 Blvd. Tiburon s/n; Col La Playita- Puerto Los Cab, San Jose Del Cabo, Mexico

El Ganzo Hotel

호텔 설명

It is a full-service independent hotel, luxury boutique member \Preferred Boutique\ elegant rooms, spacious suites that offer great comfort It is a full-service independent hotel, luxury boutique member \Preferred Boutique\ elegant rooms, spacious suites that offer great comfort. Each room overlooks the Sea of Cortez that provides visual appeal. This property is located at the base of the Marina Puerto Los Cabos, just 20 minutes drive from the international airport and is 5 minutes from the historic town of San Jose. The hotel is a historic beauty and modern delights. The concept of the hotel is ideal for the adventurous artistic and cultural. This hotel offers an unrivaled entertainment experience like no other.

서비스 및 시설

공기 조절




무선 인터넷

비즈니스 서비스



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